I like classic hotels as an occasional treat, but for trip-to-trip use, I’m not fussy.
What I’ll do is bring up a city on TripAdvisor, rank all the hotels by lowest cost, scroll down past the voodoo hellholes, and go with the least expensive hotel that has a bubble score of 3.5 or higher that’s located in a part of town that will work for me . . .

Example: let’s go to Nashville, Tennessee; and unless my reason for going to Nashville is in another part of town, I’d want to be near Lipscomb University.
Rank them by lowest price. Scroll past the 2.0-bubble-score Quality Inn and Suites Downtown . . . past the 2.5 Fiddler’s Inn (which Anthony Melchiorri ‘fixed’ — for a day — in an episode of Hotel Impossible a few seasons back) . . . looks like it’s going to be one of those America’s Best Value Inns at 3.5 bubble score, $60. But unless I want to low-budget this trip as much as possible, I’d probably want to pop the extra seventeen bucks and go with the Best Western-Sunrise Inn (4.0 bubble score), because it’s a lot closer to where I want to be . . . although taking the traffic and traffic patterns into account (which I don’t always check Google Maps and do ahead of time), the ABVI Airport South would work just as well.
Originally appeared on Quora
What I’ll do is bring up a city on TripAdvisor, rank all the hotels by lowest cost, scroll down past the voodoo hellholes, and go with the least expensive hotel that has a bubble score of 3.5 or higher that’s located in a part of town that will work for me . . .

Rank them by lowest price. Scroll past the 2.0-bubble-score Quality Inn and Suites Downtown . . . past the 2.5 Fiddler’s Inn (which Anthony Melchiorri ‘fixed’ — for a day — in an episode of Hotel Impossible a few seasons back) . . . looks like it’s going to be one of those America’s Best Value Inns at 3.5 bubble score, $60. But unless I want to low-budget this trip as much as possible, I’d probably want to pop the extra seventeen bucks and go with the Best Western-Sunrise Inn (4.0 bubble score), because it’s a lot closer to where I want to be . . . although taking the traffic and traffic patterns into account (which I don’t always check Google Maps and do ahead of time), the ABVI Airport South would work just as well.
Originally appeared on Quora
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